
Showing posts from February, 2017

February's End

The kids headed back to school this morning, Kaitlynn excited to show her friends the makeover and Jared with a runny nose but otherwise feeling good.  My poor Todd however, is not doing so good. He felt okay putting some time in at the farm this morning, but hit a rough spot this afternoon, ending up in bed for a good portion of it. I've been okay so far, just trying to get lots of sleep and not get stressed out over anything. Nice, casual strolls around the yard help with that. Even though it is pretty chilly out there today, it was bright and sunny, and when out of the wind, the heat from the sun easily soaks in.       Kaitlynn got her "Hamilton" hoodie today, and is very happy about it.  Normally, the kid refuses to wear a sweater, but she made an exception for this one when we couldn't find a t-shirt.       Here's Soots in his favourite hangout spot watching the birds in the bushes near the house. He twitters away at them here, sometimes

Kaitlynn's Big Day

A Mommy and KK day it was yesterday.  We headed into town shortly after 9, and we really needed to wash the car.  Todd and Jared happened to be nearby at Peavey Mart, so I asked if I could get the car washed seeing as how the automatic was closed. Thank you so much to the darling husband! With a nice, clean car we headed downtown and parked our butts downtown and spent the next 3 hours there. We visited the Salvation Army, where we dropped off a few things, but we didn't find any new treasures this round. Then it was to The Plum Tree where we had a visit with Debbie.  We then wandered down to Glausers where I found the cushion I wanted and yes, it was still on sale.  Such a great deal!  Kaitlynn found a couple of books at "What's In Store" and I found Girl Guide Cookies. The Vintage Vault is really enjoying all the old jewelry I took there a couple of weeks ago. While we there, they sold three of my pieces. That was fun! We met the boys at Arigato for a sushi lunch,

Sunday as it Should Be

Relaxed.  That's how today has been.  Todd and Jared are on their second game of LOTR, I just did a bit of this and that.  KK had so much time to herself, that she actually came and hung out with me for a bit to play WordBrain.  We have a steak dinner planned and an evening of we're-really-not-sure-yet. I think tomorrow is lining up to be pretty much the same, although I'm not sure of Todd's schedule with the farm yet. KK has proposed that her and I just do some hanging out in Yorkton on Tuesday. She already has to be there for a hair and an eye appointment, so why not?  We've been waiting to do that for quite some time. 

Simple Days

Ahhh, the start of mid-winter break.  Began it with finding KK's Mp3 player, (under her bed) and saved us all from a very grumpy teenager for the rest of the week.  Go Mom!  Even before that, I ran into Yorkton and picked out some gifts for everyone and what turned out to be a fantastic movie - "Arrival" with Amy Adams.  We all loved it and I created a delicious pizza to with it, the key ingredient being the homemade sauce.  Yummy yum yums. Yes, it has been a good start.  It's too bad that Todd had to be at the farm today, but as long as he's home early for our evening, then all is right with the world. I took Bear for a walk this morning.  The weather is still very mild and all the snow had melted off the pond, so there was actually some color to it.  With the bits of the snow here and there, and the reflecting light blue, it looked like a little bit of sky right there on the ground. It seems I just can't handle the late hours that my family pr

A Simple Valentines

    If my life was a ship, you would be the anchor that holds me in place.    My life's biggest security is not just loving you , but knowing that you will always be there to love me back.   And the response:   Such beautiful words from the most beautiful woman.  You have and always will be the only special love of my life.  The one that has brought me joy in so many ways.     And that is how we started our day which then went on as any other day.  He headed to the farm and she walked the dog, scrapbooked and did some housework.        The evening brings us all together again, to share a meal, and tonight there is a cake for the special loves in my life.  Bear got extra cookies.  Maybe I'll even give the kitties a special treat tonight before bead.       The weather is gorgeous, and so it was a well-rounded day.     

The Wrong Day

A little birdie told me this morning that it was the 30th anniversary of the movie "Top Gun." The birdie was wrong, but I only figured that out after I had started my celebration. The actual 30th anniversary was last year on May 16. Holy shit!  I have loved this movie for 3/4 of my life. There are quite a few things I didn't know about the movie.  Apparently, the movie studio worked with The Pentagon who charged them 1.8 million dollars to use their jets and air craft carriers. That was considered a bargain, but the Pentagon demanded script approval to make sure that they were portrayed in a positive light.   God, Meg Ryan is cute!  Yes, I'm watching the movie while I'm writing this.   Kelly McGillis is 3 inches taller than Tom Cruise, and Paramount didn't like this, so Kelly acted in her sock feet whenever necessary and Tom wore heeled cowboy boots to help make up the difference.   I also found it very interesting that they wanted to use a

Scrapbooking Time

All I've been doing for the past several days is scrapbooking.  I'm nearly done Kaitlynn's 2016 and I will move straight into Jared's after that. I've been keeping up with the housework, cooking and walking Bear of course. Today will be difficult walking because although it is quite warm, it is windy. Very windy, and that takes a lot of the fun out of it.       Todd was chopping up a pepper for our dinner last night and someone noticed the bottom looked like a bottom, so a terrible photo was created.     Todd has been working on the cabinets for the laundry room. A slow process, but they are coming along and Bear always appreciates having company and likes his special bed out there.    


Grateful for food, warm clothing and a family that loves us. Georgia can't hear a can being opened to come see if she'll get a lick of dog food.  Her eyes get so wide when that fork comes her way. Todd is all ready to go clean grain in the nasty cold weather.  It is way too cold to be outside today, but work has to get done. Last weekend, we drove to Regina to take Loretta out for lunch. It was nice, but it didn't seem like it quite enough.  So the kids made cards and we picked up a gift card for Winner's.  I'll mail it all on Monday.  

A Secret Meeting

It was a pretty morning, pretty cold and it was pretty because the sun was shining and it is always nice to have blue skies in the winter.  I braved the cold and took Bear and myself for some exercise and all went well until he picked up a sniffing job. The fresh trail of a deer had him wanting to pull me down the road. But we managed and he calmed down once we turned back for home.  The countryside looks clean with the fresh snowfall, and the road isn't nearly as icy, but poor Bear gets ice-balls stuck in between his toes.  Then we have to stop while he chews them out, or I help dig them out for him.  They get pretty big sometimes and I can see how they would become very uncomfortable.       I came home and quickly put on the kettle like I always do when I get in from the cold. I looked around while I was waiting for it to come to a boil, and noticed that something was out of place. Three things actually.  Where were the cats? I looked around the bedrooms and downs

Going Gently

Mom had, a week ago, invited us to go to a play written, directed and starred in by my old English teacher, Steve Farquaharson.  An afternoon matinee preceded by dessert, Mom drove her car to our place and Todd drove the five of us from here.   As expected, we had a good chuckle, and more importantly, at least for myself, a few introspective moments.  Moments I didn't get to spend a lot of time with because a good laugh wasn't far off.  That seems how we all try to deal with life.  That is, when things get a little too serious, we switch gears, and look for something funny to change the direction of our mood. This has always annoyed me. Not to say I don't enjoy laughter, but I would like to spend more time conversing about significant things rather than skirting around and talking about highway conditions. Good luck finding folks who are on your side for that one.    Anyway, it was a nice afternoon, and although a wee bit of nausea paid me a visit, I managed to sur