
Showing posts from February, 2019

It's Happening!

Todd started ripping up the old flooring this afternoon. The laminate is salvageable so we'll offer it up on The Yorkton Garage Sale later. In the meantime, our home will be a disaster for some time yet. Oh well, it's a good reason to not have people over.

Fun Night Out

KK has been planning to see this movie with Madison for a long time now. So she stayed after school and found her way to the theatre. Todd, Jared and I ran out to the lake to deliver Ang and Shawn's trim for their renos before we also made our way to theatre. Of course, we didn't say two words to Kaitlynn and her friends. We had orders to let them be. The movie was good and there were baby night furies, although we didn't get to see them for very long.
This little ditty is for Ainsley. This is Robin, her big orange and very laid back cat. KK doesn't do landscapes very often but she did an awesome job with all the details in this one.

New Phone New Camera!

It's always a novelty to get a new toy. The Huawei might be the most fun yet. The photos seem really good. I plan to take a bunch and get them developed before I decide to rely on it too much. It will replace my Canon. No way. But I can have some fun! Dear Handsome!

New Friends

The little albino is a Cat Cory and his name is Noro. The fancy beta is named Eto and these are Jared's new friends. He wasn't sure he was ready so soon after losing Ponyo, but he really liked the look of these two and so, on Friday we brought home two new pets. If you can call fish pets. 

Forty Five

It was Kaitlynn's idea to turn Grandma's Friday night chicken dinner into a little birthday for Auntie Brenda. We also gave her some socks and a chocolate bar.

Amidst the Chaos

At least it waited to bloom until after I got home. But it's difficult to get a great photo when the house is turned upsidedown for painting. We're getting close now though. The kitchen is nearly done. I even helped with getting the area around the cabinets prepped.

Taming the Chickadees

A wee bit of patience and a whole lot of food goes a long way in making friends with the feathered folk. They come so close now. One even landed right in the pail I was carrying between my hands. What is it about gentle close encounters with wildlife that takes the breath away?

Happy 9th Birthday Elise!

Elise's birthday is on January 23rd so this was a little late, but hey, you know what they say. We had a nice visit and Elise had a happy day. forfound the kitty puzzle for her in Lloydminster last week. She loved it and finished it same day!

What A Mess

I can't complain. I want this done. We've ordered the flooring and it should be in within a couple of weeks. So everything will be topsy-turvy for awhile yet. The paint colour we chose looks great. It's the same as in the basement, which we liked so much we decided it will pretty much be going everywhere.  Now Lord, let me have patience through this.
Louise is doing really well for a 19 year old kitty. She's definitely showing her age since the last tine we saw her in August. But, she's just as friendly as can be. Constantly talking, one can't help chattering back to her.

Poor Doggo

Bear's ear was operated on this morning. He handled the surgery very well and now comes the hard part. Wearing the cone of shame. We're told it'll be on for about 2 weeks. Seeing as how this one is already broken, I think we're going to have to pick up some spares.

Birdwatching in Comfort

Dale has the right idea when it comes to winter birding. Set the feeder up right in your living room window across from the couch, and BINGO!  Who needs TV? 

Morning Hair

Out of the four of us, Kaitlynn definitely has the most interesting hair sculptures in the morning. Quite a bit of hairspray is used to tame that beast before she heads out for the day. I would give my left foot to have hair that thick again.
It's travel day and it's cold. I'm getting schooled on Ang's current playlist I usually come out of these trips with a few new songs to add to my own lists and a couple of new bands to investigate. I left against all reasonimg this morning. Jared's toe is still infected and needs to be watched closely. Everyone came down with a cold yesterday, Todd was even sniffling this morning. Bear has surgery on Thursday morning. Oh. I'm worried about that. I should be there for my doggo.  Dale and I will have to send prayers out that morning. My knee is acting as stupid as it can, so that is what encouraged me to go. So now I can sit on my ass and pop Advil until it goes back to normal. Turns out Ang hates North Battleford. But seeing as how it's sadly the most scenic part of our journey today, here's a photo of it.

Too Early

I really thought the amaryllus would bloom in time for Easter when I brought it in. Last year it took forever to form a bus. But it's not even Valentine's Day yet and I'm heading to Lloydminster tomorrow. Hopefully I don't miss the main show.

Stupid Toe!

Back to the Doctor for the follow up appointment and Jared's toe was worse than ever. That was on Monday. Yesterday he had surgery, part of the toenail cut away to give the wound a chance to close up and heal. He handled it like a champ and so far hasn't asked for any pain killers.

Goodbye Ponyo

It's been coming for awhile now.  Ponyo has not been herself and has just been laying on the bottom of her tank for months. She lost her desire to swim. We've had her for 8 or 9 years and she's always been Jared's fish and lived in his bedroom.  The pump went wonky one day when we lived in Cold Lake and pumped out a bunch of water onto the fairly new hardwood.  That was a mess.  But other than that, Ponyo has been a pleasure to have around.   When she was healthy, she would make us giggle with the way she did little backflips.  Whenever I came to feed her in the morning, she would get excited and swim like crazy to the corner where I always dropped her food. We moved her to our new home in Theodore in an ice cream bucket.  She came along with her pet apple snail, who didn't live long because Ponyo's tank was too clean, and there wasn't enough algae to sustain the poor thing.  We buried the beautiful snail in our garden and Jared still brings it

Blizzard and an Outage

A blizzard has kept us indoors all morning and now in the middle of the afternoon, the power has gone out.   I finally taught Jared how to play chess. Well, I taught him the general rules anyway. The "how to play" will be up to him. Goodness knows I'm not good enough to teach "how" to play. Georgia and Crush never sit together, but Crush's curiosity got the better of him and he wantes to experience the tent Jared built for Georgia.  Oh, and no pics, but I took out the stitches from Todd's head. Ick.

Mom's Family Night

I had a hankering for fish and chips. So that's what I made! And the meal turned out to be good. Turns out I can eat fish again. Beer batter was light and crispy, but I think we prefer our old standby of oven roasted chips.  Instead of a movie, we're finally going to teach KK how to play Firefly.  Bff