
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Flow

 Jared's hair continues to be a topic of discussion. We took this photo for our Dear friend, Auntie Suzanne.  Sending her our love ❤ 

Triple the Love

 Found myself in the kitchen this afternoon baking Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies. They are delicious. What I love most about my cookies are the smiles it puts on my boys' faces.  They know that they are loved.  


 This has been the scene downstairs everyday for weeks now. Sooty snuggles up on my blanketed lap and we can stay like this for hours as long as I've prepped myself for a long campout. Or, if someone else is home, they become the waiter. I can't bear to disturb the comfort of snuggles with my kitty. He's absolutely lovely. I'm currently watching at least one British show.

Plant Family

 I have been acquiring houseplants.  I enjoy taking care of them. I'm planning a jungle for the patio this summer. Pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and whatever else. For now, houseplants. 

An Unmade Bed

 This is a rare occasion.  I didn't make my bed as soon as I got out of it this morning. By the time I got to it, Georgie was snuggled under the sheets. Happy as a lark.

Long, Beautiful Hair

 Cousin It? Other than the problem of a lack of sight, this could be a good Halloween costume.  Jared's mane is always a topic of conversation. It seems no one can get over it.