
Showing posts from February, 2022


 I can't imagine how Jared felt today, when on his second day with his license, he hits the friggin ditch. And with his friend Porvash, no less. Oy, a humbling moment for sure. We all need them from time to time.

A Happy Day

 Jared went on his third road test today and got his license! Good job kiddo! We celebrated with dinner at Arigatos. I forgot to take a photo of the food before we ate, so all I captured was the pretty garnish. 

Pretty Girl

 I get called "my pretty girl" by Todd all the time.  But we all know who the real beauty is in the house. 


 It doesn't happen often, so it's worth noting: The cats are cuddling! 

A Little Gift

 While playing Animal Crossing,  I happened upon a bunch of flowers in vases. Turns out, the are letters that spell 'I love you. '  It's going to be far faster to clean up than to build it.

Sad Days Indeed

 I've reached a new low. I ate in my bed. Never ever do I ever eat in my bed. It's two  things you just do not combine. It would be like making a salad on the bathroom counter - yuck! I didn't even eat in my bed in the hospital. 

I Tried

 Took my tea upstairs to my bedroom, set up my bed table and maybe do something crafty, but Sooty has other ideas.