
Showing posts from October, 2020

Oh Bear

 I thought he was smarter, I really did. I was only mildly concerned when I spotted a porcupine on our walk through the west field. If only he hadn't caught a whiff of it, we would have continued on our way home. But even after he found it, I thought he wouldn't get too close. I was wrong, and shortly after, we were on our way to Yorkton. In a short time, Todd and I became veterinarian assistants. Pulling quills is a rather gruesome process.  He seems okay today though and is only limping a little.  Brooke and Sarah were with Marie and they barely seemed phased by all the blood. When I stopped by the office today to drop off the blanket we borrowed and to pay the bill, there was a surprise waiting for me. Brooke had drawn a couple of pictures for me. Thoughtful little girl.


 I have a special place in my heart for rocks. I love them and have collected them from anywhere we have traveled. But alot are just from  our nearby gravel roads, even our driveway turns up a gem here and there. I also have an extra big place in my heart for Bear. I was doing some homework at the kitchen table, and he's lying there going between breathing very loudly and making strange sounds with his mouth and flicking his paws as he's dreaming. I also love the sight of my Mister in this rustic plaid jacket. I found it at Peavey Mart and gifted it to him the moment after paying for it.

Shadow Forewarning

 Last night the power went off shortly after we finished our Fringe episode. Jared turned the flashlight on his phone on and started putting on a little show for us. The power wasn't off long. Today we get a phone call from the school that Jared is vomitting and shortly thereafter we had a Covid test booked for him. Now, at 2:30 in the afternoon, he's sleeping and we are quarantined until further notice. 

Comfort Food

 I used up the last of summer's tomatoes by making a wonderful tomato soup. But without having fresh garlic and basil, it was lacking a wee something. Delicious, but just not quite there.

October Begins

Sooty knows he can away with a lot when it comes to Jared, so he often takes the opportunity to go absolutely nuts when Jared offers up his arm. There were some very calming skies on a drive to Yorkton one morning recently. I just knew that he would look even more handsome in a this plaid jacket. A beautiful wispy sky as seen through the sun roof in the truck while we were driving to Roblin to pick up a tractor part from a wrecker.