
Showing posts from November, 2022

Christmas is Coming

 Got everything but the tree up for Christmas.  I hope to get that done tomorrow.  Todd started renovating the laundry room by tearing out the ceiling over top of the machines. He managed to keep it clean. The wreath I made took longer than the entirety of the decorating. The cats made it fun though.  Georgia took her first nap with Dusty. 


 I suppose I'm a very lucky mother. I am frequently entertained by my children's talents.  Jared's music and Tucker's art. As I'm writing this, Jared is playing.


 Jared is continuing his piano education on his own. He's chosen a Grade 8 piece and although he only started it a few ago, at the beginning of November,  he's got it memorized and is working on the dynamics. 

Winter Naps

 This is becoming a frequent sight. Dusty is keeping my lap warm. He is quite the little snuggler. 

The Game Goes On

 Since Jared taught me to play Commander in October, we have been playing MTG everyday. Now, we all have our own Commander decks and the kitchen table hasn't been tidy since. It's always ready for the next game. 

The Traveling Kitten

 Made our way to Edmonton today.  I was more than a little worried about Dusty and his bloody diarrhea this morning, and wasn't sure we should travel. But, we decided to go because he's otherwise completely healthy and it's not likely anything serious.  I texted Marie and she suggested some medicine we could up. We found it at Petland in Saskatoon and so now we're just waiting to see if it will help. He slept nearly the entire trip and once let loose in the hotel room, he set to burning off that excess energy. We went out to Lazeez Affair for a delicious Indian meal and then visited at the hotel for a while before Todd took the kids back to Tucker's apartment. Now, hopefully I can get some sleep with the kitten loose on my side of the hotel room.

Lap Buddies

 The problem with cats is that once the snuggle up on you and everyone is comfortable,  it feels terrible to break up the group. I stayed up later than I wanted because of these two cuties. Dusty's fur is flattened because I was constantly petting him.

A Foggy Morning

 It wasn't terribly foggy in Yorkton,  but it got very thick as we carried on our way to Regina this morning. It mostly lifted after Ft. Qu' Appelle thankfully. The silver lining to fog? Hoar frost. I got dropped off at Indigo and found several books for myself and one for Jared. I'm pretty excited about the books I picked up and am now hoping that the library book I picked up doesn't come in for a while.

Growing Fast

Dusty managed to double his size in two weeks. According to the internet and his bag of food, he eats more than the average kitten. We're going to have to slow him down as he gets older, or we risk having him turn out like Georgia. 

Snuggles And Playfighting

 The "thunk" in the video is Dusty's head. Didn't faze him.

Daddy and his Cats
