
Showing posts from 2022

Floppy McFlopperson

 It has since healed, and is back to normal, but for a couple of days, Dusty's ear was very floppy. We're assuming it was due to Sooty hoofing him in the head like he does. I'm happy it's healed, but it was pretty cute.

Turkey Day

 It has been a very long time since I have cooked a large meal for everyone. It was a little chaotic, but it turned out okay. Nachinka and buns were both underdone, but not inedible, and everything else was fine. Brenda and Stephen even made it this year, although they couldn't stay long. There were some card games after, between the kids and Loretta. Mads and Tucker left around 4, but will be back tomorrow.  Everyone else left by 5pm. It was a long, full day and I'm wiped out. 

A Fun Day

 We had many gifts to open this morning, but we were done in just under an hour. There was a lot of candy. A lot. Everyone loved what they received. If there was an unexpected gift contest, I would have won. Todd gave me a stuffed platypus. So, now I have a new friend on my bed. I had bought catnip toys and gave them to the kitties.  Unfortunately,  Dusty had an allergic reaction, so we had to put them away. The itching stopped after a few hours. We had an epic game of MTG in the evening to wrap up our day. 

Christmas Eve

 After our traditional Christmas at the farm, we came home, and organized the stocking stuffers, we played our first 4 player Magic game.  Dad won, but Tucker almost had him.

These Days

 The MTG obsession continues.  Todd and I play several times a day. Jared joins now and again when he finds the time. It was a successful week for cooking.  I made chicken cordon blue and Italian sausage and peppers, one of our favourites.  Dusty continues to grow, and is a great source of joy and trouble at the same time. I've started to organize photos from the past three years and intend to begin scrap booking again in the new year.

A Good Day

 Cats, cooking and cards. The three things that make an evening perfect. Todd had to snow blow the rings today, and he froze his poor, little face.

TV Snuggles

 It's important to stretch out your body for maximum contact with the heating blanket. 


 Just a few cute pictures of the cats. Well, mostly Dusty and Sooty. Georgia isn't usually in the cute zone. 

Another Artist

 Jared started writing his own song yesterday,  and it is sounding really nice. I always knew there was a creator in him. I really did.

It Begins

 The first of the cookies have been relocated to the freezer and are ready for holiday celebrations. Next up are the mint chocolate chip shortbread.  Jared's favourite. 

Happy 20th Birthday

 Can it really be 20 years since I gave birth to my first child? Time is going beyond fast. Way beyond. I feel as though I've missed something and showed up late to a future that doesn't quite yet make sense. I'll catch up eventually. I hope.  Happy Birthday to my wonderful kiddo who is making the most of life by being courageous and adventurous, kind and compassionate, daring and creative. May you never lose that spark that drives you.

The Tree

 Dusty made decorating the tree a lot of fun. He didn't know which ornament to bat around next. Thankfully,  he didn't try to climb it. Then, it was time for a nap under the table.