
Showing posts from July, 2019

Day Three Liard

We left beautiful Summit Lake and a couple of hours later, we were soaking in Liard Hot Springs. The kiddos really enjoyed exploring. There was also a short hike up some stairs to view the Hanging Gardens. The scenery was fantastic as we were driving, and I took plenty of shots on my phone through the windshield. I'll put those in another post.

Day Two Summit Lake

We were on the road by 7:30 am and enjoyed a breakfast at Tim's in Valley View. Dawson Creek was a nice little break. KK picked up a couple momentos. We had another break at Pink Mountain where we visited with a couple animals being kept behind the store.  We stopped at a campground in Tetsa, but the bloody generator was so loud, we decided to carry on to Summit Lake, which turned out to be a lovely place to spend the night.

Day One Fox Creek

Our goal was to get to Valley View, but we were an hour shy and ended up setting up camp eleven km out of Fox Creek at Isoegun Lake. It was a quiet, little place, well treed and tidy. We had planned on soup for supper, but being without power, we snacked on other things. We drove to the lake and enjoyed a walk about, and left shortly after the sun went down.