
Showing posts from June, 2018


It started with Kaitlynn wanting roller skates, which are very hard to find. We told them about our old roller blades, so Jared dug them out and has been practicing in the driveway. I really did not think he was going to remain upright when he got the gravel, but he did just fine. Now he has decided he wants a scooter. We found a good deal on one at Wal-Mart and so he nooming around in that, but he can't take it in the gravel, so he is looking forward to taking it to the city. Now, as for Kaitlynn, the search continues, but there is a pretty nice, new, shiny set of wheels in the garage with partly her name on it.

Art Accomplishments

Jared built this incredible birdhouse in woodshop this year and I have since stained it. I'm thinking it will go by the fire pit. Kaitlynn spent an evening creating this beauty. Eerie and beautiful.

With a bit of Hard Work

Congratulations KK! You can sleep easy all summer knowing that you rocked your Grade 10 year.

Happy Father's Day

We've got two daddies around here now. I'm Sunday we celebrated Father's day with lots of yummy food, a campfire, BBQ and car cleaning and some very nice gifts for our special big guy. Today we have another proud father in the yard as the killdeer are welcoming their wee ones into the world. Two of the babies are following Dad around the yard as I write this and leaving Mom to hatch the other two. Very soon, We will have 4 wee fluffballs running around!

Feeding Time

It's the exact same scene twice a day, first when they come in from the garage in the morning and again in the middle of the afternoon. We, myself and the the 3 kitties head to the bathroom where Sooty gets fed. There he does his little dance against the door frame and I gush over him every time because this never gets old, then I feed him and call Crush and Georgia to follow. Georgia is usually way ahead while Crush usually needs more coaxing and time to lick the showers edge. Once in the  kitchen, it is Georgia's turn. She always points with her nose to her empty bowl, showing me where to put her food, which is very helpful. Crushy watches closely and then quickly turns around and meows until his bowl gets the same treatment.  At about 2pm, they all congregate in the kitchen. Sooty often making weird noises and everyone staring at me until the above procedure us repeated. Everyday. And I look forward to these 3 goofballs everyday.

Building a Fence

Our fire pit is an area of our yard we spend a lot of time in during the Spring, Summer and Fall. It needed a little extra protection from the wind on the south side, so here is the easy solution. Todd and I, mostly him, for the posts on before the rain. This morning we got the cross thingies up and then the kids joined us mid morning to put up the boards. It seemed to take hardly any time at all, and now I can decorate it!


Bear had to make his yearly trip to the vet this morning, and he did a good job. I can hardly believe he's nearly 7 years old already. The vet says that is very old for a dog his size. But we feel he is very healthy and don't think of him as old.  And then there are these kitties. Sooty is so weird. This little gathering happens in the kitchen everyday at about 2pm. They just sit and stare at me until I feed them. Sooty makes really strange noises to get my attention. It's alwaua entertaining.