
Showing posts from December, 2023

Slight Change Of Plans

 We weren't going to open any gifts today, having planned on opening them all in Edmonton with Tucker, but it is Christmas Day and there are a lot of gifts and only so much room in the Edge. We opened the stocking stuffers from the farm and a few gifts from each other. The rest we will save for our Christmas in Edmonton.  Todd gave me a a handsome, handmade journal.  It is leather with cotton paper and will make a beautiful sketchbook.  Jared gave me a unique book by a Polish author. It is a collection of his notes during the German occupation of France. My other two favorite gifts are a little cookie jar and a ball that you stuff with nesting material for birds.  It is already hanging out in the yard. I gave Todd his work jacket because it was such a bulky gift and we gave Jared his card binder so he could spend the day organizing,  one of his favorite things to do. We had Christmas Eve at the farm, and, as expected,  it was difficult.  Glen's death has left a big hole in the

Yucky Days

 I'm stuck in here. So my boys are sending me photos from home. 

Carrying On

 It wasn't a joy filled day, but I did get the house decorated for the holidays. But, the house feels cozy and friendlier with the tree and all the wreaths and garlands. And, we need that right now.   The kitties had an exceptionally fun day as their home transformed.  Todd rewired the lights so that we didn't have clunky transformers that we would have to try and hide in the tree.