
Showing posts from November, 2020


 Changing one's perspective in life is optional. But the price we pay for being rigid is high. Go with the flow and allow yourself to break your own rules. Sometimes, for now, the old way is better. But, more often, we find new ways of doing things that perk us up a bit.  All Bear and I did today was walk a different path from the house. I'm not the only one who enjoyed the change of scenery - Bear was acting like a puppy again. It's in our nature to explore. It's why we're here.  

Our First Official Visit

Three months ago, we moved our girl to Edmonton. Leaving the city then was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, second only to letting the nurse prick her tiny foot when she was a newborn. Our visit was great. We got into Red Lobster this time and called it Kaitlynn's birthday feast, and feast she did. We even gave all of our leftovers to her. Today, we had brunch at Rockin Robyn's and it was delish. We got her insurance and Alberta license set up. Kaitlynn has a few favourite places she has come to frequent in the past few months and she introduced us to a couple. One was "Revolver" where I met Jamie, who according to Kaitlynn is a God, and she's right. Friendliest fella, and I had so much fun shopping for new music. We added to her birthday gift there after she picked out several CD's. I picked up a fair few myself. We visited Princess Auto, of course. Todd got the family discount and saved nearly forty bucks on his purchase. I found a few stoc

Day One

 The first time we're venturing out to visit Kaitlynn since she moved out and our first night is spent in Lloydminster where she was born. Chatting with Dale and Denis brought up a few memories that make one's head swim when you think of how much has changed in eighteen years. The trip here wasn't kind, although it started out beautifully. Todd got us here safely and I tried to keep calm. I've never enjoyed a winter roadtrip, but of course, it's worth it once you get to see your people. We were barely out of Theodore when we opened the one bucket of Corshy reserved for Todd, Jared and I. The other one, Kaitlynn has to herself if she chooses. Grandma also sent several jars of borscht and a birthday card. So Kaitlynn will be quite surprised. Louise has passed since our last visit in August, but Jellybean from the hanger has moved in. And does not a home a cat make? She fits in perfectly.

Soul Room

 The self cannot be found in things. But a space that feels comforting and supportive can allow one to get closer to their self. We can't always be out in nature, especially in Canada. So, having an indoor haven to go to in order to reconnect is important. I'm so glad that Todd not only thought of this, but then offered to create it and carried it through in short order. Thank you Mr. Man. I hope to repay you with many happy days in our future together.