
Showing posts from September, 2017

Slowing Down

Kaitlynn continues to be her crazy, entertaining self.  She spent a lot of this past sporting an Edward Cullen mask.  Creepy as hell, and hilarious at the same time. I'm not sure what the plan is, but several of the masks have made their way to school this morning.   I was feeling quite rundown yesterday, with a sore throat, so I tried to take it easy. Jared was also extra-tired and had a nice long nap midday and he went to bed early. He seems fine this morning.   The yard, although everything is drying up, looks lovely. The early morning and evenings are my favourite time to go out and have a walk around.   Harvest is sailing right along, although as of today, they will be feeling the pressure.  Rain is on the horizon, and there are still 5 quarters to do before the flax - 2 of oats, which they hopefully finish today and 3 of canola. They're definitely not in bad shape, but it would be fantastic if they could get all 5 off before any major rain. I'd like to ge

Trucks and Pumpkins

Harvest is going reasonably well.  Sure, it would be fantastic to get through a season without a breakdown, but I'm fairly certain that has never happened in the history of ever. Mom managed to swallow a rock with her combine last night, but the parts are in Yorkton, and the damage isn't extensive although it looks terrible. The machine should be up and running this afternoon. It does make for more stressful morning, and to top it off, Todd got a major flat tire on his car this morning. So I guess I will be tire shopping next week.   Kaitlynn has really been enjoying being back in school. Homework started on the second day and she is working on several subjects this Saturday morning. Jared is finding things "boring" he says. It seems if he's not reading Manga or playing computer games, he's bored. Not too sure what to do with him.   I spent some time in the field with my Handsome.  Waiting quite a long time between loads, it seemed he could use the co

It's So Very Quiet

It has been an odd day. Back to school for the kidlets - Jared into Grade 7 and Kaitlynn into Grade 10. The morning came and went as quickly as the summer. Time - could you please slow down a little? I went into town to check out the grocery store which is under new ownership.  I picked up several groceries and wished Deb and Kurt well.  It sure is nice to see friendly faces in there and I genuinely hope they succeed. It was a strange feeling on my walk from there to the post office. A sidewalk I've been down a thousand times as a kid. There was no one around and I remembered Grandpa. I thought of stopping in to visit Dad, but reconsidered and decided that was enough for one day. I got home, called my sister Amy who announced she is coming for a visit this Thursday. She plans to come to my plance in the morning and then Dad's towards noon and they are going out to the farm for something. I offered to pack a picnic and join them. I'm really not sure what inspired me to


Here are couple of my favourite things piled up into one spot. One of my other favourites is downstairs, still sleeping at 11am!!! - Sophie stayed over, so that explains that. My other favourite is out in the fields doing what farmers do. Love to all my favourites - you know who you are!


Double yolks.  They're usually pulled to use in products that require eggs. I'm not sure why since popular folklore surrounding them is quite positive.  Some people say that the yellow duo predicts a pregnancy in the family or even twins.  Others think prosperity is in the near future. Norse myth says that someone is about to die. Let's hope it's not that last one because we've had 6 sets from the last carton.     Sooty looks like he's playing the part of either a guilty or possessive teenager here. Not unlike Kaitlynn with her phone.     Sooty loves to snuggle, and I used to be his preference.  Maybe I don't sit still long enough, because lately he's been hanging out with the kids.