
Showing posts from January, 2019

Oh Boy

Todd had another appointment with Dr. Garcia for his second shot in the eye yesterday. He had a little bruising this time, and hopefully it doesn't turn into the monster it did the first time.  It just so happened that there was no school, so Jared got to go with us while KK spent some time with friends before the next semester. After dropping Todd off quite early, Jared and I went to Chapters. He found a book while I found 4. Todd was done surprisingly early though, so my plans for coffee at Starbucks were thwarted. Todd's guess is it was just too cold for people to travel, and it really was cold - minus 30 or more for most of the day. Brrrr....but it was get out and about shopping or stay at home doing nothing. I also pucked up my photos so scrapbooking will start up this week. We decided to enjoy a nice lunch at Eat Side Mario's and we had to laugh when we saw this vehicle announcing that the earth is flat. We've heard of these"flat-earthers" b

That Grande Finale

After a lot of mess and a little frustration, "Bongwater" is born. Yes. That's his name and, well, it suits him. You don't have to smoke weed to be chill.  Kaitlynn is very impressed with this creation that took her pretty much the entire weekend. My hot glue gun got put through its paces and left more than one wee blister on our creators fingertips. No regrets though, and her friends, Madison and Ainsley are especially excited because they are the proud co-parents.

Creative Weekend

This project has been inspired by Kaitlynn's renewed interest in Webkinz.  Stay tuned for the Grande Finale! And somebody please grab a broom!

A Surprise Revival

Kaitlynn came home in an extremely good mood yesterday.  First of all, she found out that she scored a 98 on her Psychology final, she also felt really good about the two exams, Science and Christian Ethics that she just finished writing.  That coupled with the fact that she only has one more exam to go on Monday, an exam she doesn't need to study for, ELA, and we've got one happy kiddo. But what really had her excited was her Webkinz. She didn't even want to take her coat off after school. We had to go straight out to the shed to retrieve the stuffies that have been packed away for a few years now. The sweetest memories washed over me as we went through her childhood "friends." Memories of easier times when a stuffed toy could induce strong feelings of comfort and joy. Later that evening, she even created a new Webkinz account online.  Our old one is currently not accessible having been unused for so damn long. Oh well. There is still plenty of fun to be

More Yucky

As if Jared's toe wasn't enough disgustingness going on around here, Todd decided to have "Bubbles" removed. The stitches are an improvement and hopefully it heals up nicely.


Kaitlynn recently picked up four vials of slime. Here they are being tested for their ability to spread. Then they will be placed on the face to create a temporary mask. WARNING: you cannot breath through slime. That was an uncomfortable moment, and the slime was cold and smelly.

Twinkle Fingers

Having finished his Grade 5 piano, Jared is now working towards his Grade 6.  

Camera Woes

"Todd, are we going to see moose today?" "No, probably not." I decided not to lug my camera to Yorkton. Later, on the way home...

For Dad

Quite possibly the most difficult day of the year for my Dad is the anniversary of my Mother's death. It's been 13 years. It's going on 5 months of sobriety for Dad, so here's me keeping my promise to be more involved in his life if he can stay sober. It's a promise I've been enjoying and I really hope he can keep it up and stay with us.


Cold weather when paired up with a midday power outage brings this family together.

Big Boy Little Girl

Bear has a way of making people look like they are half their actual size. It's bloody cold outside today, close to minus forty with the wind chill, so we're spending time with Bear indoors today. He gets warm quickly though, so we have to give him breaks outdoors periodically.

La Goof

When you ask Todd to decorate a snowflake cookie in a simple way...

Big Boy

You're going to need to go around the other way.

Guess Who?


Not Much

The temperature plummeted overnight to nearly 30 below. Todd has been cleaning the shop, but didn't feel much like freezing out there today, so we headed to Yorkton early with 17 bags of refundables in tow. $162 later, we treated ourselves to a nice coffee break at Sweet Wanderers and lunch at the Wok Box. It's not windy, so I anticipate a walk with Bear-Dog this afternoon. 9

Minor Emergency

Jared didn't listen to his Mama, and so he is paying the price. After a trip to the walk in clinic, and a little visit with our Dr. Reza, Jared is now on some powerful antibiotics. We're supposed to see improvement in 2 days. Gosh, it's gross. Gag!

The Daily

Most mornings, I go out after breakfast to haul out the compost and do a few other chores.  Bear always. always accompanies me to the compost pile.  He's forever curious if I'm going to bring out something delicious. He sometimes likes banana peels, and apples, but his recent favourite find was the rind off a cantaloupe. He also sniffs around like crazy to see who else has been visiting our little goldmine. When I go to haul out the litter and scoop up any "Bear bombs," he always chooses to stay back. He just lays down in the driveway awaiting my return.   Next on the to do list is feeding the birds.  I'm expected to give him a handful as he just loves those sunflower seeds.  I really don't know what he gets out of them, the little seeds go straight down the hatch bypassing all those teeth and I'm sure all flavor. Sometimes he gets one stuck at the back of his throat and then takes the next minute making the most disgusting sound imaginable. M

Little Begger

Watching the kitty beg is a little mean but it is so cute when they stand on their hind quarters.

Kitty Habits

It's funny how each kitty tends to pick the same place for a snooze day after day.  Sooty's favourite spot lately has been under my desk.  Crush loves the sofa upstairs, but he'll also take one of the Ikea chairs. Georgia will take an Ikea chair if no ones kicks her off. If she gets the boots, she goes to the rocking chair.


So far we have played this game 20 times. Jared has won 3 times, Todd has won 7 times and I have won 10 times. If I had to guess, I thought we played closer to 40 times. Maybe that's because the game sometimes takes so long to play.  Jared is already itching for an expansion, so maybe I'll look into it now that we're all pros.

Run Sausage Run!

Sometimes we get addicted to a game. I'm sure it will be quite short lived this one, but for some reason "Run Sausage Run" has hooked Todd, Jared and I. Right now, Todd holds the score to beat.  This game came up as an ad that I thought was hilarious, so I told the kids they had to check it out just for a laugh. I had no idea Todd would download the stupid thing. It's a goofy to blow a few minutes waiting for the pasta water to boil.

Another Masterpiece

Kaitlynn has pulled one of her favourite characters and her tragic story from "Warriors" and created yet another piece of emotional art. The books still motivate her to create inspiring work.

Jigsaw Time

I received this 1000 piece beauty in my stocking. I found it very difficult- a sea of green to try and sort out. But it sure is pretty. I wish I could move in.

Silly Puppy

I think he's trying to make his situation look as bad as possible. He was too warm in the garage, chose not to be in the shop, and is lying just outside his house. Snow dog!