
Showing posts from October, 2019

Harvest's End

Harvest is officially done today. It was slightly easier than other days, with only 15 acres left in the field from last night. So, for the first time in days, the four of us sat around the table for dinner and I get to go to sleep with everyone under one roof.  A very comforting feeling.  I celebrated harvest's end a day early and yesterday did some major baking. Not shown is the wonderful loaves of white bread. It was so yummy, in fact, I just had to make grilled cheese sandwiches and creamy tomato soup.   Sooty couldn't have picked a better place to pose, and I got several great shots. One even made it to Instagram. Jared learned that if you want a better chance at winning chess, ask your opponent to play when she's really tired. I tried. I really did.  The gardens got finished up this week and are looking very sad once again. See you all (plants) in the spring. There was an incredible sunset this past weekend as it was raining on the western horizon which cre

Halloween Invasion

No one said anything about the Halloween decorations this year. Not one thing. But, seeing as how I enjoyed doing it, and enjoy it for the couple of weeks I have it out, I suppose it doesn't matter. My favourite is still my desk. I had thought I might add to it this year, but like it as it is for now.

Thankful To Be Ninety!

Fred (Grandpa, Dad) is an impressive 90 years old! We had our turkey and pumpkin pie day on Sunday and while we all enjoyed it, the bad weather and 5 quarters of wheat still in the field was on our minds. But we made the most of it and had another get together on the 14, this time for roast beef and angel food cake. Jared and Grandpa played crib while Kaitlynn napped on the floor. There were also a few nose grunts from Brenda and Todd. Every time we take photos, Grandpa says, "Better do a good job, might be the last one!" It's difficult not to wonder (and feel sad) if it will be. Happy birthday! - and I hope we see, at the very least, a few more good ones!

Kaitlynn, Cats and One Dog

There has never been a time when our household has not had a pet. Even when first married, we had Junior. So it's no surprise how much our kids love animals. Kaitlynn in particular, has made it central to her life. Cats and sometimes dogs are central in her art and writing. Most recently she created this fantastically interesting mask. I'm not sure if it's for Halloween or just for kicks, but it is awesome. In the other photos, each kitty is taking their turn getting a pea from Kaitlynn's soup.


It's probably because I was less than productive for over a week, (cold/flu) that I had so much energy today. I baked and did housework and ran to Yorkton for parts and still got a ton of garden cleaned off! Todd is in the field, and they'll be working until God-knows-when because shit weather is coming tomorrow. This relying on the weather thing is for the birds. Hopefully he's not too late getting in, as we have to go to Regina tomorrow morning. As I was cleaning off the garden, I could hardly believe the size of the zucchini and look how many tomatoes are on the ground! Bear had a field day!

As It Is

Kaitlynn once again proved herself to be a capable driver and got herself home safely this afternoon. She even arrived earlier than expected which was very nice. Maybe I'll get used to this yet. I was, for the most part, feeling better today, and got a sudden need to put the garage back in order. So, after having gotten rid of most of the gourds that were crowding the garage floor, I did a little decorating on the deck and just hauled the rest to the compost. All the jacks are sitting in front of the house ready to soak up a bit of sun, and the greenhouse is full. Not a lot is orange yet, so no major Halloween decor yet, but I am feeling the need to create a more convincing witch's apothecary this year. The orchid Todd got me is blooming beautifully, and I'm so happy with myself for having gotten it this far. As soon as it starts to fade, I have to figure out how to repot it. Bear is very much enjoying the cooler weather and keeps digging holes in front of the house.