
Showing posts from July, 2022

Fix Up Time

 The garage has needed a new roof for a long time now. It has finally seen its day. Meanwhile,  the gardens are looking magnificent. 


 I should have put succulents in him the first time. He looks so much better. 


 A trip to Regina that didn't involve a medical appointment. 

Pippin and Squeak

 I've met the little Grey one a few times now and have named him Squeak. Why Squeak?  Because it's a great name. Ang thought of it.  Today I met the big orange and white fella. I've named him Pippin because I think he's being fed by several people in the  community and is overindulging himself.

Poor Eyes

 Another trip to Regina.  Dilated eyes, and no progress.  No treatment this time either. So the problem remains a problem. 

Sooty Snuggles

 Almost without fail, Sooty will plant himself on my lap when I sit down. It's bad for my health because I don't want to end our snuggles and end up sitting longer than I would otherwise. 

Crop Checking


Not Much

 We purchased a yearly pass for Good Spirit,  so I decided to go sit on the beach for a little while.  It was a very windy day,  so the waves were nice.

Our Silver Anniversary

 It's difficult to wrap our minds around this milestone. Time rushes by and leaves us wondering where it all went. We've had a few challenging years leading up to today, but things are looking up and hopefully the next 25 will be reasonably gentle.  Happy anniversary my Handsome.  I'm so glad to be walking this path with you holding my hand. I couldn't have come this far without you. 


 Mads and KK drove down on the 28th and left on July 2nd. They camped at Good Spirit and were lucky enough to miss the storms that were in the area. Jared especially got a lot of time in with her. They obviously miss each other a lot. All four of us made it out to the lake for a visit with Auntie Booboo and Uncle Shawn. Todd and I took Mads, KK and Jared out for dinner at Arigatos the night before they left. They ended up leaving Sunday morning at 5am and were home by 3pm. That reminds me of how Todd and I used to travel when we were young.