
Showing posts from March, 2021

An Evening Well Spent

 Jared jokingly said we should play Monopoly, and for some crazy reason, I was more than for it. We played and it was fun and I won. Todd went bankrupt. After, we tossed Bear in the back of the Edge and took him for a quick drive.

All in a Day's Journey

 I went to bed planning to rearrange my bedroom the next morning, and rearrange it I did. It looks good, but more importantly, it's very clean. I managed to catch every single dust bunny and even a few dust mammoths. The little vacuum had its work cut out for it.  I still had some good snuggle time with Sooty during breakfast. And he seemed to approve of the new arrangement in the bedroom. Bear enjoyed lying around while I ran back forth getting things in order. So my morning was great. My afternoon fell apart but at least half the day was a win. There's always tomorrow.

Raven Meeting

 There's nothing like a grouping


It started with the bad news that Brad passed away at about 6am. March the 6th has taken on another role other than my birthday. But Todd and Jared made an effort to make the day as enjoyable as possible. And, I'm glad that Brad's suffering is over. "Death is always hardest on those left behind." People say that a lot, but what does it really mean? If we are being left 'behind' as the living, that would suggest that Earth is not our home. It's how we explain our temporary existence. In order to cope with death, we have to believe that we are going on to a better place. But I no longer believe that, and I'm not sure I ever really did. I now firmly believe that we don't "move on", but only get recycled into another life form right here on the only planet we know.  But anyway, for those that have recently moved on from my family, I do hope that their new life is substantially better that the one they just lived and that they will know health